Content One: BIOS Partition Advice
1.1 Partition Planning
/boot >= 5G
/var/tmp >= 10G
/tmp >= 10G
swap >= 2G
/ all remaining space
1.2 Standard Partition and Logical Partition
/boot Use standard partition
/var/tmp Use logical partition
/tmp Use logical partition
swap Use logical partition
/ Use logical partition
1.3 Format
/boot xfs
/var/tmp xfs
/tmp xfs
swap swap
/ xfs
1.4 Mount Parameter
/boot defaults
/var/tmp rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,strictatime
/tmp rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,strictatime
swap defaults
/ defaults
Content Two:EFI Partition Advice
2.1 Partition Planning
/boot/efi >= 5G
/var/tmp >= 10G
/tmp >= 10G
swap >= 2G
/ all remaining space
2.2 Standard Partition and Logical Partition
/boot/efi Use standard partition
/var/tmp Use logical partition
/tmp Use logical partition
swap Use logical partition
/ Use logical partition
2.3 Format
/boot/efi vfat
/var/tmp xfs
/tmp xfs
swap swap
/ xfs
2.4 Mount Parameter
/boot/efi defaults
/var/tmp rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,strictatime
/tmp rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,strictatime
swap defaults
/ defaults