Eternal Center


About Eternal Center

From the time of Aristotle to the era of Hegel to the era of our present life, many social trend of thoughts that has continuously improved the values, morality and worldview of our civilization. In general, they have made our civilization gradually move from barbarism to humanity, from selfishness to justice, from superstition to rationality. They unwittingly influence the way of thinking, behavior and language of later generations, and become the eternal theme and classic of human civilization. Reading and admiring them is very beautiful and valuable and important, This will let us understand how to make the world a better place. Today’s open source information technology makes reading and appreciation more convenient and faster, and potential new thinkers, engineers, scientists, writers, etc. can also rely on this to get a platform that is easier to quickly share and store their efforts and achievements. Open source information technology, like the past words, alphabets, papermaking, and printing, can also be a booster for new social trends.

This website will focus on and share two things: the “eternity” of human civilization, and using open source information technology to sharing the “eternity” of human civilization. So the website owner named it the Eternal Center.

Open source is not only a model for the IT industry to maintain its vitality in the industry, but also a sign that humanity is once again promoting its own level of civilization.

The spirit of open source embraces the Internet spirit that everyone can participate, everyone can use, and without borders. It has unprecedentedly lowered the threshold for people to participate in the Internet industry, created Internet prosperity in countless countries, and improved the quality of life of people around the world.

The concept of open source conforms to the original instinct of human happiness, curiosity, and self-fulfillment. Nowadays, the development of the IT industry is no longer money and power, but people’s own interests. Interest is the best teacher. It is the strongest source of human beings in a certain cause. It is the best way to stimulate human innovation. It makes the entire IT industry continue to be full of vitality.

Because of the existence of open source, the hostility between people in the IT industry is less and less. Numerous friendships across nationalities, cultures and races have been brought together through open source, let people improve technology and create a better future together. Because of the existence of open source, humans have reduced the impact of rich and poor differences and power differences on themselves. Now people have a platform that can be fair and self-realizing. Whether it is the poor struggling on the poverty line, the president at the center of power, or the richest man with huge wealth, everyone is equal before open source. Who can first learn and participate in the corresponding open source projects through the Internet, who can become the great god in this respect, has nothing to do with a person’s education, birth, wealth, official position and so on.

Eternal Center will share the open source technology and strive to become a tool website in the open source field. I hope that these sharing can make everyone get Happiness and Achievement.

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