[CONTENT] Linux common parameters of /etc/fstab file

/dev/vg/lv_var /var xfs nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
/dev/vg/lv_var_log /var/log xfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,x-systemd.requires-mounts-for=/var 0 0

1) nodev parameter here means this directory can not be interpreted by devices or blocks
2) nosuid parameter here means no setuid files can be created in this directory
3) noexec parameter here means no files can be executed in this directory
4) x-systemd.requires-mounts-for=/var here parameter means /var/log directory can not be mounted until /var directory has been mounted

[DEBUG] Linux resolve error code ‘DB version too old ……, expected …… for domain implicit_files!’

Error Code:

# useradd <account name>
DB version too old ......, expected ...... for domain implicit_files!


# chage -l <user name>
DB version too old ......, expected ...... for domain implicit_files!


Step One: Create /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file

# vim /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

Add follow lines:

enable_files_domain = true

Step Two: Give /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file properly privilege

# chmod 600 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

Step Three: Restart sssd service

# systemctl restart sssd



[DEBUG] Linux resolve df command is stuck

Error phenomenon:

Input df command and the command is stuck
Can not us cd / command to access /(root) directory
Can not us ls / command to display /(root) directory


There may be some network storage disconnected


Step One: Use mount command to check if there is any disconnected network storage here

# mount

(Add: At this moment, we can see at least one remote storage mount to local directory. If we cd to this directory, system command prompt will output target is busy)

Step Two: Use unmount command to unmount this disconnected network storage

# umount -f <nfs storage which is stuck>


# umount -l <nfs storage which is stuck>


# umount -f -l <nfs storage which is stuck>