# ip -s -h link
# iftop -nN -i eth0
(补充:这里以持续查看名为 eth0 网卡的流量为例)
# ip -s -h link
# iftop -nN -i eth0
(补充:这里以持续查看名为 eth0 网卡的流量为例)
# gzip <option> <file>
1) -c or –stdout, write on standard output, keep original files unchanged
2) -d or –decompress, decompress
3) -f or –force, force overwrite of output file and compress links
4) -h or –help, give this help
5) -k or –keep, keep (don’t delete) input files
6) -l or –list, list compressed file contents
7) -n or –no-name, do not save or restore the original name and timestamp
8) -N or –name, save or restore the original name and timestamp
9) -q or –quiet, suppress all warnings
10) -r or –recursive or –rsyncable, operate recursively on directories
11) -t or –test, test compressed file integrity
12) -1 or –fast, compress faster
13) -9 or –best, compress better
# gzip test.txt
(补充:这里以压缩文件 test.txt 为例)
# gzip -d test.txt.xz
(补充:这里以解压文件 test.txt.zx 为例)
# gunzip <option> <file>
1) -c or –stdout, write on standard output, keep original files unchanged
2) -d or –decompress, decompress
3) -f or –force, force overwrite of output file and compress links
4) -h or –help, give this help
5) -k or –keep, keep (don’t delete) input files
6) -l or –list, list compressed file contents
7) -n or –no-name, do not save or restore the original name and timestamp
8) -N or –name, save or restore the original name and timestamp
9) -q or –quiet, suppress all warnings
10) -r or –recursive or –rsyncable, operate recursively on directories
11) -t or –test, test compressed file integrity
12) -1 or –fast, compress faster
13) -9 or –best, compress better
# gunzip test.txt
(补充:这里以压缩文件 test.txt 为例)
# gunzip -d test.txt.xz
(补充:这里以解压文件 test.txt.zx 为例)
在配置了 logratate 日志之后,想要查看设置的部分配置是否起到了作用,可以使用 logrotate 立刻让日志进行轮转
# logrotate -f -v /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
(补充:这里的 /etc/logrotate.d/syslog 是 logrotate 的配置文件)
# yum update
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Unable to read consumer identity
# vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf
(补充:katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm 软件包下载自对应的 Red Hat Satellite 服务器,补充链接:Red Hat Satellite client register)