[步骤] SLES supportconfig 命令收集选项的设置

步骤一:supportconfig 的作用理解

supportconfig 是一个 SLES 系统搜集系统整体情况的命令,我们可以选择搜集哪些信息

步骤二:supportconfig 命令收集选项的设置

2.1 创建 /etc/supportconfig.conf 文件

# supportconfig -C

2.2 让 supportconfig 命令不搜集某些信息

# sed -i 's\OPTION_AUDIT=1\OPTION_AUDIT=0\g' /etc/supportconfig.conf

(补充:这里使 supportconfig 命令不搜集 audit 日志为例)

Several situations of Linux automatically reboot without reboot logs in the /var/log/messages

Situation One

This Linux server is a virtual server. If we reboot it though its virtual software, there is no relevant logs in the /var/log/messages.

Situation Two

This Linux server is a member of a pacemaker cluster. If the pacemaker cluster software fences this server for protecting the whole cluster, there is no relate logs in the /var/log/messages.

Situation Three

This Linux server has critical problems in its system or hardware. Core panic of Linux and hardware problem both can reboot the system automatically without any reboot logs in the /var/log/messages.

[排错] RHEL 解决使用 yum 命令时卡住


# yum update 
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Unable to read consumer identity

可尝试的解决方法一:修改 /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf 文件

# vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf





可尝试的解决方法二:安装对应的 katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm 软件包


(补充:katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm 软件包下载自对应的 Red Hat Satellite 服务器,补充链接:Red Hat Satellite client register