Reading history makes people wise, poetry witty, mathematics thoughtful, science profound, ethics solemn, logic and rhetoric makes people eloquent.
Reading history makes people wise, poetry witty, mathematics thoughtful, science profound, ethics solemn, logic and rhetoric makes people eloquent.
Human life can not be measured by the length of time. When the heart is full of love, the moment is eternal! ——It really can’t be measured by the length of time.
如果站在更高的层面看待滑铁卢战争,滑铁卢是一场反对君主制的胜利。它是欧洲对抗法国的胜利,是圣彼得堡、柏林、维也纳对抗巴黎的胜利。他是 1889 年 7 月 14 日,攻击了 1815 年的 3 月 20 日。过去一直是君主制度在不停地清理不屈不饶的 “法国自由革命稍乱”,就如同不知疲倦的水手永不停息地清理甲板,而如今波旁王朝以及其他君主制势力联合起来,推翻了这位叱咤风云了二十六年的伟大人物——拿破仑,拿破仑帝国是专制的,但由于现实的状况,现在皇帝将被迫选择让国家自由,帝国的宪法秩序不情愿地接受了滑铁卢的结果。
(此段落翻译自一个版权已过期的 《悲惨世界》 版本,由站主根据自己的理解进行的翻译,如果喜欢这本书,建议阅读李丹和方于翻译的版本)
What matters is not the quantity of knowledge, but the quality of knowledge. Some people know a lot, but don’t know the most useful thing.
Wise people choose their own direction.